Q4 Clues
If you subscribe you will receive our weekly mailing Q4 Profiles Clues. In it, we shed light on a topical subject from DISC. Think of Black Friday. How do the different styles deal with this phenomenon?
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Q4 Clue 726 | International Happiness Day
Today it will be announced which country is the happiest (the World Happiness Report). From the perspective of the DISC Styles, how do we view 'happiness'? D-style Will experience happiness when this style is in control itself. Having the freedom to make your own...
Q4 Clue 725 | Saying no (in office talk)
How the different styles can say no (in office talk). And recognise the Styles! D-style "I hear what you're saying, but we're going to do it my way anyway". It might seem a bit less direct, but it's just a clear no in the end. Actually, even a 'double no'. I-style "If...
Q4 Clue 724 | National Week Without Meat
The start of the week without meat (and chicken and fish and preferably dairy). How could the different styles deal with this? D-style Of course, whether you are open to it is personal. But participating, be it for one day or not at all, this style makes that...
Q4 Clue 723 | Rejection
Whether for a job, an idea or a date. How do the different DISC styles handle rejection? D-style Tends to get angry first. Or at least blame someone else; not my fault; they don't get it. Steps over it quickly, though and doesn't carry it with him/her 'as baggage'....
Q4 Clue 721 | Tomorrow’s Valentine
Did you think about it? If not, this clue is a reminder. If you have a thing for it, of course. Valentine's Day, how do we deal with it? D-style May have forgotten about it because being too busy. But can also shift gears quickly and still arrange something if they...
Q4 Clue 720 | Tolerance
This, of course, goes well beyond just the DISC Style but - especially in unfavourable conditions - interesting to look at HOW we can respond to the basic needs of DISC. D-style The D for Direct. A comment or reaction is, therefore, quickly given by this style. Even...
Q4 Clue 719 | Day of the Croissant
Whether you eat it on a terrace in France or just from the supermarket, most people love this roll. Some interesting facts in DISC style today. D-style According to tradition, the crescent shape is related to the Austrian victory over the Ottomans. Their secret tunnel...
Q4 Clue 718 | Responsibility
Of course, any style can take responsibility when we look at the Personal (DISC) Style perspective. But how depends on the style. D-style Directing. The style that takes responsibility for complying with what is agreed (goal, deadline, objective). In other words,...
Q4 Clue 717 | Nothing day
Whatever this day is, it is interesting to view this across the different styles. How do we do nothing? D-style Doing nothing, like spending all day in bed or on the couch, is not for this style. But doing nothing about work-related matters, for example, is. Just go...
Q4 Clue 716 | Clear Your Desk Day
Right at the beginning of the year, start clean! How do different styles approach this? Or tap into another style to do it (right)! D-style If you opt for rigorous, deploy your D-Style. Grab that pile sitting untouched on your desk for months and months and out with...
Q4 Clue 715 | New Year’s wishes
Of course, in DISC style - and with a wink 😉 On behalf of Q4 Profiles... D-style Best wishes and a top 23! I-style Happy New Year!!! May this new year give you peace, positivity and joy and may you experience lots of happiness each and every day. And that we will...
Q4 Clue 714 | Second Christmas Day
How do the different DISC styles view or deal with this second day? D-style The religious nature of this second Christmas Day is somewhat lost. So you can also decide for yourself what you want to do on this day. Yesterday 'the obligations' - today I. I-style An extra...
Q4 Clue 713 | A Blue Christmas
This day is to think about those who work in or with safety and law enforcement during Christmas. Police officers, firefighters, EMTs, 112 operators and so on. How? D-style They keep us safe and save lives. But it comes at a price. Long dark days and even nights. Wet...
Q4 Clue 712 | Green Monday
We know Black Friday and Cyber Monday by now, but have you heard of this one? Green, by the way, does not stand for the environment. What, Who, How and Why? D-style In retail, Green Monday is one of the busiest and most lucrative shopping days. Ten days before...
Q4 Clue 711 | Day of the Ninja
We could have written another clue about 'Sinterklaas presents night'. But it's also Ninja day today! Therefore the question is, what about our inner Ninja? D-style D-Ninjas are bad-ass! Dressed in black, they pop up in the dead of night. Masters of martial arts....
Q4 Clue 710 | Teadious Jobs
We all have them. Not necessarily the same ones, by the way. What one person finds dreadful, another does with a smile. But how do we deal with these? D-style Delegate! The first thing that comes to mind to a D-style. And then doing so or at least trying to. Also, the...
Q4 Clue 709 | World Hello Day
This day was established back in 1973 already, and over 180 countries participate! To express a little more solidarity and to greet at least ten people today. How do different styles actually greet? D-style A direct short, and firm greeting. Hey!" and carrying on. Can...
Q4 Clue 708 | Workload and stress
We want (too?) much in our lives. We see this, especially among the younger generation. Let's look at this through the DISC perspective; which style drives which need? D-style The D style in us wants to 'be the best'. Compete to win. The style that drives our...
Q4 Clue 707 | Trust
This year's Week of Respect identifies 'trust' as a critical founding element. Let's look at this from the DISC core characteristics. How easily do you trust someone? D-style What is it you want from me? This is basically what is always on the mind of this style. Want...
Q4 Clue 706 | Frighten
The fright response is deeply ingrained in our core behaviour. Since today is Halloween, it's a fun one to take a look at; how do we react when something or someone scares us? D-style Keep your distance when grazing the D style. You have to do your best to really...
Q4 Clue 705 | Kale day
Probably invented to promote and keep this old Dutch vegetable in the spotlight. But for us, a fun occasion to question; how do we deal with this very green vegetable? D-style It may seem somewhat ordinary but make no mistake, kale has been on the global rise as a...
Q4 Clue 704 | We are DISC!
You know the quotes like, you're green, or that high D. Nonsense, we are everything! What we want, we do, we should, and so we do everything. D, I, S and C. D-style For example, a decision you make comes from your D-style. Sooner or later, you have to decide something...
Q4 Clue 703 | Energy
The National Energy Week is about renewable energy generation and energy reduction. So they say. It will probably only be about the one thing we are all talking about; the high prices. Recognise the style in this debate. D-style "I don't pay!". Always opted for...
Q4 Clue 702 | Week of parenting
Children are pure, so the behaviour you observe is, therefore, mostly the way of 'how' to best treat that child, almost like copying. But there are pitfalls you may want to avoid. How about that with the different styles? D-style Self-assured, wants to be the best,...
Q4 Clue 701 | A little joke! Just kidding!
This is the slogan of the Week Against Bullying 2022. A joke can start small but then turn into bullying. How does this slogan stand up to the different styles? D-style This style sets your boundaries. I don't like it; cut it out. But also the style that makes 'jokes...
Q4 Clue 700 | Day of the dietitian
A lovely occasion to take a look at how the different styles in us deal with the challenge; eating well versus the unhealthy bite. D-style If the D-style in us is convinced, then will go all the way. It can also be too much and go too far. But as quick as it started,...
Q4 Clue 699 | Summer Event ’22
We can look back on another very successful event. It was lovely that the weather also contributed to the atmosphere and enjoyment! We also organised a few 'challenging activities' such as supping and water skiing. Observing and recognising the different styles is...
Q4 Clue 698 | Receiving guests
How do we handle receiving guests at home? D-style Inviting is one thing - if he or she likes the guest(s), otherwise clearly a no - but what about arranging, organising and especially the execution? This style doesn't worry much about that... I-style Enthusiastic in...
Q4 Clue 697 | How do we respond to stress
Stress can be an unfavourable circumstance, in which case we tend to react first according to our highest natural style. How do the styles primarily respond to stress? D-style Short-tempered and wanting to take control. Becomes (very) direct in communicating and...
Q4 Clue 696 | Suddenly, nature is mainstream
Not so long ago, it got quiet quickly when you went slightly off the beaten track. But times have changed. What, who, how and why? D-style Many have started to exercise in the open air. This also brought about more and more outdoor (sports) clubs and opportunities....
Q4Clue 695 Laze around
Maybe you think lazing around is what everyone does the same, right? But nothing is further from the truth. How do different styles (or not...) laze about. D-style Sitting still and doing absolutely nothing is very difficult for a D-style. Perhaps just for a moment -...
Q4 Clue 694 | Cat Day
Cats. Since the ancient Egyptians, 3000 years before Christ, let in (wild) cats to keep the mice at bay, they have been around. Cat Day is from a later date, but how to 'celebrate' it? D-style An international day, no less! Not surprising, really, when you consider...
Q4 Clue 693 | Planner Day
It all started pretty much in the first year of secondary school, planning your lessons. Since then, we can't live without it... How (and which) planner are we and are we using? D-style Preferably leave the planning to others. Not that that doesn't cause 'stress', but...
Q4 Clue 692 | Clean desk
Maybe it's already behind you; perhaps it's still 'in progress'. How do you tidy up your desk? For example, in advance of or during the holiday season? D-style Not everything will literally be lying on your desk. But there will be several jobs, activities and/or...
Q4 Clue 691 | TeamNL Korfball Gold
At the World Games in Birmingham, USA. A multi-sport event under the flag of the Olympic Committee. Congratulations! D-style Winning gold is always tremendous but especially at games like this. Not only with the Low Countries but also with Taipei, Germany, China,...
Q4 Clue 690 | Summer vacation use
We're probably not just on vacation during the summer vacation season. What other interesting ideas to do - selected by style, of course. D-style Perhaps an extra little trip anyway? How about a mini road trip? There's still plenty to explore closer to home. Or pick...
Q4 Clue 689 | To the beach
Let's stay in the vacation spirit and ask, how do different styles experience going to the beach? D-style A beach day will be stressful. Leaving early, close parking, best beach spot/chair, annoying people around you. That can ignite that short fuse a few times. But...
Q4 Clue 688 | The summer vacation is approaching
This always gives 'many matters' to deal with. How do we approach this based on our different styles and with which style specifically? D-style The D in us makes the decision and literally determines the (travel) direction. The higher your D intensity, the sooner the...
Q4 Clue 687 | How do you keep others at a distance?
Particularly when things get annoying, demanding or intrusive, for example. How do you keep "the different styles" at bay? D-style Being assertive is fine here. Set your limit, and say what you think. At that moment, not 'pleasant' perhaps, but clearly also for the...
Q4 Clue 686 | Week without sugar
Starting today, a week without sugar? Considering the different styles, how would you accomplish this? D-style Less sugar often means more energy. Or, to put it another way, by eating less unhealthy food, mostly with added sugars, you automatically get more fibre,...
Q4 Clue 684 | Week Without Waste
Today is the start of the Week Without Waste. Take up the challenge to throw away as little waste as possible. How do the different styles handle this, and how do they get motivated? D-style It has to be rewarding. Of course, it is beneficial from the point of view of...
Q4 Clue 683 | Day of the Intern
Perhaps you remember your internship days, or you work with interns now. Young and green, you are 'suddenly in the big world'. How do the different types of interns deal with this, and what are the pitfalls? D-style This style is ready for it! At least thinks he or...
Q4 Clue 682 | Overtime
Sometimes, sometimes regularly, we have to work overtime. How do the different styles deal with this? D-style Only when it is valid and decide on it yourself (preferably). When it is your responsibility, you have to bear the consequences. But can easily ask others or...
Q4 Clue 681 | How to get others on board for change
How do you get the different styles to go along from small to significant changes? D-style Make it a (personal) challenge, competition. This style is no stranger to change. But if it is beneficial or leads to a (personal) improvement, the D-style will not hesitate....
Q4 Clue 680 | Leverage
Exerting influence on other people and being accepted as an authority by others. Different styles, different ways of exerting leverage (and pitfalls). D-style By nature, this style is convinced of oneself or an opinion and shows this. Self-assured and assertive in...
Q4 Clue 679 | FC Volendam promotes
Last Friday, FC Volendam secured a promotion to the Eredivisie. After 14 years, that's logical! Congratulations! How do the different styles deal with the pressure and the euphoria that comes with this? D-style Fighting and keeping the faith. To the outside world...
Q4 Clue 677 | Covid versus DISC
Is there such a thing as a Covid Profile? The last few years may have had a significant impact. In particular, on energy management. What about the different styles? D-style It has been pretty quiet the last few years. Not many challenges, not much need to decide,...
Q4 Clue 676 | Museum week
We cannot predict if and to which museum 'a DISC style' goes; that has mainly to do with personal interests. But we can answer the how question. D-style The pace of a D-style is higher. This also applies to the speed with which this style moves through a museum....
Q4 Clue 675 | Inflation
Things are becoming more scarce and, therefore, more expensive. How do we deal with this according to the different styles? D-style At first, this style may not want to give in and 'just carry on as you are'. But at a certain point, will be over and done with and can...
Q4 Clue 674 | Spring
Spring started yesterday, It has always brought something of positivity to us forever. How does this manifest itself in the various styles? D-style The feeling that we are 'going forward' again. Towards more. This style perceives that as positive—also more outdoor...
Q4 Clue 673 | Relax a bit
In these troubling times, we must not forget to think about ourselves once in a while. As being to recharge your battery with positive energy. How do the different styles do that? D-style Focus on a goal. This can be a physical goal but also a mentally challenging...
Q4 Clue 672 | Cryptos
Cryptos. It seems like almost everyone is or should be involved with it these days. How do we look at it in terms of the different styles? D-style Our D-style is about taking a (tiny) risk or a chance. Cryptos have also become remarkably accessible, and there is...
Q4 Clue 671 | Dealing with tensions
We live in exciting times, so to say. Covid, the climate, inflation, East/West relations, and things closer to home can cause tensions. How do we deal with them? D-style The D-style is the style of control. These kinds of issues transcend that, and that makes it extra...
Q4 Clue 670 | International Day of the Mother Tongue
This day was established to celebrate language diversity and promote multilingualism. Interesting to put this along the 'DISC' scale. D-style Your language, international, regional or dialect is strongly linked to your culture and identity. As a D-style, you may be...
Q4Clue 668 Putting things in perspective
It is a quality to be able to see things in perspective. It can be learned, but it has pitfalls. Above all, it affects your entire DISC spectrum. Also, those styles of which you naturally have less energy. How can you put things into perspective? D-style The D style...
Q4Clue 667 The cooking workshop
Last Saturday, we celebrated our annual Winter Wonderland. Good fun but above all delicious! The programme was to cook! How did the different styles do with a DISC touch to it? D-style Always nice, instructions from a chef. It is cool to see how he prepares the dish...
Q4 Clue 666 | DISC and Education
On this International Day of Education, it is interesting to look at DISC and education. How is it being dealt with today? D-style We can see that more and more educational institutions are starting to incorporate DISC into their programs. They are really open to it...
Q4 Clue 665 | Dump your New Year’s resolutions day
How are your resolutions coming along? D-style Aren't good resolutions soooo 2019. I mean, how can we keep them up at all? Sports? The club is closed more often than it is open. Eat healthy, live healthy? How? Where? Hardly ever leave the house. We have to make it fun...
Q4Clue 664 Clean Off Your Desk Day
And it's an international day too. That means many desks. And nowadays, of course, many of them are at home, too. What do the desks actually look like in the different styles? D-style This style prefers a large desk. So there's lots of space for everything. But this...
Q4Clue 663 Happy New Year!
We wish everyone a very happy, wonderful, and above all, healthy New Year! How do we look forward to this year from the perspective of our different styles? D-style The year is starting poorly again, but we are fighting on! So that means setting new goals, putting our...
Q4Clue 662 Holiday season 2021
These are extraordinary times, so to speak. This holiday season, too, cannot be celebrated as usual. How do we deal with this? D-style This style of ours probably starts 'to boil over a bit.' Angryness like, "I'm a little bit done with this." Maybe also the feeling of...
Q4 Clue 661 | Creativity
People tend to link the characteristic of creativity to a specific DISC style. But nothing could be further from the truth; creativity involves all styles. But then comes the question: how does that work per style? D-style Creativity requires a certain amount of...
Q4 Clue 660 | Max Verstappen World Champion!
In a way typical of Formula 1, when you think this is it, suddenly everything turns upside down. More than 5 million Dutch people saw it happen, and the whole Emotion Spectrum passed. How do these manifest in the different styles? D-style We could place the core...
Q4 Clue 659 | How others think of you
We all ask ourselves this question from time to time. Some probably more than others. How do we deal with this? D-style This style can handle it the easiest. Especially in a business setting, it is less critical whether others like you or not. Note that this does not...
Q4 Clue 658 | Cyber Monday
The online shops' answer to Black Friday, which was last Friday. However, the differences between online and offline shops are becoming increasingly vague, of course. How do the different styles deal with this? D-style Much better than Black Friday or any other sale...
Q4 Clue 657 | Watching TV
Did you watch television yesterday? On World Television Day... But how do we watch television these days? D-style Watches in a focused way. Prefers to make their own choices. That can be anything, based on the interests. What's really great for this style nowadays;...
Q4 Clue 656 | (Work) stress
How do you deal with (potential) stress, setbacks and/or change? D-style Use your D-style to tackle and solve the causes of stress. We know how to postpone, prioritise differently, flee, ponder for too long, etc. Decide, deal with it and take action. I-style Accept...
Q4 Clue 655 | Pleasing
Pleasing. What about the different styles? How do we deal with this, and how can we stop it? D-style How do you stop it? By stating your boundaries, which often means entering into a (minor) conflict. So basically, by deploying your D-style! By the way, it is not like...
Q4 Clue 654 | Performing under pressure
Last weekend, the Dutch korfball players became European Champions. A sports match under high pressure is a perfect example of 'unfavourable circumstances'. Be aware of the (your) specific Style Core characteristics that emerge in situations like these. D-style The...
Q4 Clue 653 | Day of the Flan
Today is the National Day of the Flan to promote this typically Limburg delicacy. This tart comes in many different flavours, so the question arises: how do our styles make a choice? D-style This style has a (strong) preference but is also open to new experiences....
Q4 Clue 652 | Taking the initiative
How does which style take the initiative? D-style Does not want to lose time. Therefore takes immediate action, a decision or sets something in motion instead of waiting. Takes the initiative and dares to stick out their neck. But whether that is always right or...
Q4 Clue 651 | Who is your conversation partner?
Of course, we have - and prefer to follow - our own preferred communication order. But what if that is not possible or even desirable? Being able to switch quickly is the motto then. Recognise your conversation partner (as quickly as possible), and how do you adapt?...
Q4 Clue 650 | World Animal Day
We read that many people have acquired a pet lately. Mostly a dog. But which one? Did they make the right choice? Which dog suits who best? D-style Status dog A dog with a certain appearance or image that suits the D-style. A type that offers a challenge. Like a lot...
Q4 Clue 649 | World Tourism Day
There is much more to this official UN day than you might initially think. Interesting to share based on the Q4 Profiles Communication Grid; What, Who, How and Why? D-style Tourism is one of the most important economic sectors in the world. It employs 1 in 10 people...
Q4 Clue 648 | Week of Work Happiness
Of course, many more factors play a role - such as by which values or interests you are driven - but the emotional social skills( EQ) influences this as well—the DISC needs versus happiness at work. D-style This style likes (big) challenges in their work. Goals,...
Q4 Clue 647 | Q4 Profiles Summer Event ’21
Last Saturday we (finally) celebrated our annual 'Summer Event'. How did we enjoy the event altogether? D-style Finally, we were able to decide; we have it again. Pretty exciting because things are still far from 'normal'. The summer wasn't really either, so the...
Q4 Clue 646 | Sporting achievements
It was one of those sports weekends where many exceptional sports achievements came together. The Paralympics, Women's Cycling, Athletics and Formula 1 stood out especially. D-style It is great that more attention is being paid to 'the other sports', and it looks like...
Q4 Clue 645 | F1 Zandvoort
This weekend, Formula 1 returns to Zandvoort. How do the different styles experience this? D-style The D-fan has probably been holding tickets since 2019. Had arranged a passe-partout straight away. For the Friday practice, the Saturday qualifying and of course the...
Q4 Clue 644 | Anticipating
Foreseeing and recognising situations (business) and relationships (interpersonal). Where do the natural strengths of the different styles lie? D-style This style starts, acts, takes risks, sees no future obstacles. If it goes well, 'wow, nicely anticipated!' Of...
Q4 Clue 643 | Tell-a-joke-day
Do you know the joke about the style that... Interesting to recognise the style of the joke-teller (and yourself!). How does someone tell a joke? D-style When we make fun of someone, it's part of our D style. Mock someone, or embarrass them. If you have lots of this...
Q4 Clue 642 | Book lover’s day
Any style can be a book lover. How the various styles do, this is interesting to look at. D-style The rest and time (left over) to read does not come naturally to this style. When it is of personal benefit, time will be made. Opts for short, concise (audio) books. Or...
Q4 Clue 641 | How do you negotiate (well)?
This is a prime example where you need to draw on all your styles. Your strengths, but you also have to overcome your pitfalls. Consequently, some will be easier than others, but all are necessary. D-style You have to be persistent. State and monitor your own needs,...
Q4 Clue 640 | Starting a conversation
Maybe we've lost touch with the lockdown. Or maybe you are just finding it a bit more difficult. How do the different styles make conversation? Or not. D-style This style breaks the ice with a 'direct strike' like a comment or joke. Hahaha! This can be experienced as...
Q4 Clue 639 | Tokyo 2020/1
This Friday, a year late, the 2020 Olympic Games will begin in Tokyo. What will these games be like, and how will the athletes experience them? D-style At last, for all those athletes who A) had to wait and train (mostly alone) for a year longer, B) have known much...
Q4 Clue 638 | Uncomfortable silences
We have all experienced it. A moment without anything to talk about, a (long) silence. How do we deal with this? D-style The pitfall with this style; short answers. Yes, No, OK! Then you constantly pass the ball to your conversational partner, and they can, of course,...
Q4 Clue 637 | Workaholic
When a large part of your life - also privately - is spent on work. What are the pitfalls of the different styles that can lead to this? D-style High, big and fast goals, deadlines and ambitions. This quickly results in high work pressure. Not directly concerned with...
Q4 Clue 636 | CAPS LOCK DAY
Q4 Clue 635 | Are you still taking a holiday?
Very tempting picture, perhaps? But are you going, and if so, where? How do the different styles approach this question? D-style If we need to take a little risk, we need to tap into our D style. Can already book a trip while the country is still orange. And doesn't...
Q4 Clue 634 | European Football Championship started
It has begun. The 2020 European Football Championship in 2021... How do we experience this? D-style Maybe it's not quite alive yet. Even despite the advertisers who are all too keen to get the orange craze going... But now that it started and especially now that we...
Q4 Clue 633 | How to deal with people who talk a lot?
We know, one style is not the other. But we also know no one type is better or not. The same goes for 'talking a lot'. Strengths and pitfalls. How do we deal with this situation? D-style This style communicates in a fast and no-nonsense way. A talkative person can,...
Q4 Clue 632 | How do you prevent other people from walking all over you?
Of course, we are a combination of styles, and we can adapt. But how does a style primarily react to an incident like this? D-style The D style in us is the style of direct action, stating the boundary immediately up to here and no further. Of course, that is not...
Q4 Clue 631 | Whit Monday 2021
Perhaps a bit unexpected after all, but we are suddenly 'allowed' to do a little more again. Today is a perfect day (or even weekend) for that. How do we prefer to spend it? D-style What is it that I have missed most and now can and do again? This is the question that...
Q4 Clue 628 | Procrastination
We all experience procrastination - to a greater or lesser extent. But how does it relate to the different styles? And is it always 'bad'? D-style This style can postpone something, or in other words, not start something because of motivation. To find something...
Q4 Clue 627 | King’s Day #2
The first Kings Day in corona times was unfortunate but novel and extraordinary. Tomorrow, however, will be the second one, which is not normal. How do we experience this kind of days now?D-style Lasts far too long We are all slowly getting tired of it. If we allow...
Q4 Clue 626 | How much do you have to like each other on a team?
Not always if you ask me. Because isn't it precisely these 'not nice' qualities that make the team successful? That your pitfalls are the strengths of another team member and HOW you can progress together? D-style Dislike: I set goals and achieve targets. Make (force)...
Q4 Clue 625 | Making mistakes is okay!
When you read this Clue title, you think; yes, that is pretty obvious. But why are we then so concerned with not making mistakes in the first place and how do the different styles experience this? D-style What makes it tricky is having to get back up again and again...
Q4 Clue 624 | Second Easter (pandemic) day
When we wrote this clue, we had the faint hope that the rules would have eased up by Easter. But no... So what does the day (not) look like for you today? D-style Outdoor sports up to 26 years old are allowed again, but you still need to keep the 1.5 metres and with a...
Q4 Clue 623 | World Backup Day
Wednesday is World Backup Day. We all know it's the smart thing to do, but... how do we deal with this? D-style WHAT is a backup? A backup is a copy of all your important files like your (family) photos and videos, important documents, and emails. Instead of keeping...
Q4 Clue 622 | World Water Day
More than 2 billion people have no access to clean drinking water and the demand for water from the population, agriculture and industry is increasing. How do we deal with this in the future? D-style That is why the United Nations have declared this day for national...