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Q4 Clues

If you subscribe you will receive our weekly mailing Q4 Profiles Clues. In it, we shed light on a topical subject from DISC. Think of Black Friday. How do the different styles deal with this phenomenon?

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Q4 Clue 796 | Paris Olympics

Q4 Clue 796 | Paris Olympics

This Friday, the XXXIII edition begins in Paris, which is quite close. How do different styles think about possibly going there? D-style Always wanted to experience it once, and now it is well within reach. Of course, all - and indeed all - prices have been...

Q4 Clue 795 | Tour de France

Q4 Clue 795 | Tour de France

Another great sporting event that is on the road. What is always interesting to watch is the different types of riders. Which style do you see and when? D-style The sprinter or frontman? Of course, any style can be this. But this role does require D style. Make the...

Q4 Clue 794 | Dutch Summer

Q4 Clue 794 | Dutch Summer

And so it is already the 8th of July, and the summer isn’t going very well yet… How do we deal with it? D-style Of course, there will be a brief 'grrrr' when this style opens the curtain and it rains. But it is what it is, and we must deal with it. There will...

Q4 Clue 793 | World Cup 2024

Q4 Clue 793 | World Cup 2024

We've been underway for a while, but now it's down to the wire—the knockout phase. How do the different supporter styles view a sports match? D-style All the supporter craziness aside - the only thing that matters is winning! If so, all is fine and at the forefront of...

Q4 Clue 792 | The purchase styles

Q4 Clue 792 | The purchase styles

How do the different styles relate to each other when a large or special purchase is to be made? D-style The style of decision-making. If you score high on this style, then it can be quick—too quick sometimes. If this style is lower, it can take longer. Then, you must...

Q4 Clue 791 | The questioning styles

Q4 Clue 791 | The questioning styles

By nature, each style has its specific questioning style. Recognize the questioner. D-style Straight to the point and put it clearly, almost in such a way that it's not a question but already an instruction. And you are also already aware that if your answer differs...

Q4 Clue 790 | Healthy Youth Week

Q4 Clue 790 | Healthy Youth Week

A healthy future starts with a healthy youth. But for many children, growing up healthy is not yet commonplace. How do the different DISC styles view growing up in a healthy environment? D-style Of course, through exercise and sports. Little, from here you have a ball...

Q4 Clue 789 | World Cycling Day (UN)

Q4 Clue 789 | World Cycling Day (UN)

Are you on a bike today? If not, maybe tonight for a short ride to celebrate. After all, it's World Bicycle Day! What, Who, How and Why you ask? D-style You can approach cycling as a fun physical activity. Touring, racing, ATB, etc., are all well-regulated here. This...

Q4 Clue 788 | Giving an opinion

Q4 Clue 788 | Giving an opinion

“You used to say something that was that, nowadays everyone has an opinion.” So how do we express them? D-style Directly, of course. Boom, bang, and that's my opinion. You can say that's perfectly clear, but ask yourself: Is it always desirable or even wise? Others...

Q4 Clue 787 | International HR Day

Q4 Clue 787 | International HR Day

One of the topics this year is ‘Excellence in People Leadership’, which refers to HR Management that ‘builds inclusive workplaces where everyone feels they can bring their authentic self to work each day.’ This covers all DISC layers. D-style Leadership is often...

Q4 Clue 786 | Final exams

Q4 Clue 786 | Final exams

Secondary school exams start tomorrow. Here are a few (style) tips for parents/guardians/directly involved that may help during this period. D-style It is OK to challenge or 'push' this style. They can take things too easily. For relaxation, he or she needs to be able...

Q4 Clue 785 | No Diet Day

Q4 Clue 785 | No Diet Day

This is not a day to start stuffing yourself with crisps and pies but rather to reflect on dieting. How—and more specifically, why? D-style Even if you are highly motivated, it is very hard to stick to it for a long time, forever. Consequently, it causes the yo-yo...

Q4 Clue 784 | Self-esteem

Q4 Clue 784 | Self-esteem

How do you feel about yourself? Each style has its strengths as well as pitfalls. How can we use our different styles positively - and what to avoid? D-style The style of daring to make your own choices. Assertive and the confidence to make difficult decisions. But it...

Q4 Clue 783 | Seeding day

Q4 Clue 783 | Seeding day

Wild bees have a tough time. This day is one of the initiatives to boost biodiversity (very) locally and on a small scale. How can you contribute to this? D-style Guerrilla gardening is also possible! Start a little garden on an undeveloped piece of ground. It takes...

Q4 Clue 782 | Secretary’s Day

Q4 Clue 782 | Secretary’s Day

This Thursday, secretaries, secretarial staff, and management assistants will be put in the spotlight. There are different styles, different secretaries, and different bosses. Being flexible and adaptable is, therefore, an essential quality. How? D-style Setting...

Q4 Clue 781 | Outdoor Teaching Day

Q4 Clue 781 | Outdoor Teaching Day

National Outdoor Teaching Day tomorrow. Sounds good, right? How will the students experience it based on their different styles? D-style A D-student may say, "You can be more active because sitting still all day is too boring." This is a Fine argument. More sports and...

Q4 Clue 780 | April Fools’ Day

Q4 Clue 780 | April Fools’ Day

How do you fool the different styles? (Plus, as a tip: how not to fall into your pitfall!) D-style Mask the prank as a challenge. You cannot, or you do not dare to do this. The 'urge to accomplish' can then come before overthinking. Be careful when this style takes...

Q4 Clue 779 | Green garden week

Q4 Clue 779 | Green garden week

The aim; to make as many gardens, balconies and streets greener and more sustainable. How can we participate? D-style Yes, it's easy to pop in only tiles! But know that this also has 'other drawbacks'. You are more likely to suffer from flooding, and it is also much...

Q4 Clue 778 | Happiness

Q4 Clue 778 | Happiness

Next Wednesday is International Happiness Day. What can happiness mean for the different styles? D-style D-happiness (to call it like that 😉) is the feeling you get when you have achieved an outstanding achievement. You have won, overcome yourself, achieved or...

Q4 Clue 777 | Sleep

Q4 Clue 777 | Sleep

Brain Awareness Week is all about sleep. We will not talk about brain function right now but know that we need a good night's sleep. What are the pitfalls of different the styles? D-style This style in us always has something to do, plan, or work out ideas. So often...

Q4 Clue 776 | Waste Heroes

Q4 Clue 776 | Waste Heroes

This week, we are spotlighting the people who keep our neighbourhood clean and to whom you can go with your waste. What can you do? D-style During wind and rain, in times of crisis, at night and on public holidays. That deserves respect. So, have some patience when a...

Q4 Clue 775 | Storytelling style

Q4 Clue 775 | Storytelling style

On the occasion of 'Tell a Fairy Tale Day', let's look at how our different styles tell a story. D-style Brief, powerful and straight to the point. Better at reading aloud (of a fairy tale) than telling from memory. But the (many) stories make an impact and can be...

Q4 Clue 774 | Friendliness

Q4 Clue 774 | Friendliness

Being friendly to each other comes in many forms. From a DISC-style perspective, we can look at it in terms of the 'how?' question. How does a Style show friendliness? D-style The style that is quick to say what they think. This can be perceived as unfriendly but is...

Q4 Clue 772 | Self-confidence taits

Q4 Clue 772 | Self-confidence taits

Self-confidence includes 'style transcending traits'. For some, you may have to dig deeper than for others, but we have them all! Which style for which traits? D-style Don't shy away from challenges. Even if you think you can't do it. Put your D style to use, and do...

Q4 Clue 771 | Privacy

Q4 Clue 771 | Privacy

Yesterday was the European Privacy Day. Or, in other words, Data Protection Day. It is good to reflect on how we handle data security according to the different styles. D-style Don't click too quickly. The style that can act too fast. Before you know it, you are...

Q4 Clue 770 | Problem-solving abilities

Q4 Clue 770 | Problem-solving abilities

Problem-solving abilities: how does this relate to the different DISC Styles? D-style Direct into actions. Wasting as little time, resources or money as possible. However, this is often only a short-term solution. If it happens more often, having someone look into it...

Q4 Clue 769 | Blue Monday

Q4 Clue 769 | Blue Monday

According to the experts, it is the most depressing day of the year. How do we best get through this day from the perspective of our DISC styles? D-style Exercise has a positive effect on your mood. Doing sports or going for a walk. If you build a competition or...

Q4 Clue 768 | Intuition

Q4 Clue 768 | Intuition

Derived from the Latin 'inner knowing'. A somewhat difficult concept perhaps, but let's see how it can manifest in different styles. D-style This style can decide on something very suddenly. Just does it, not fearing the consequences and then sees it through....

Q4 Clue 767 Happy New Year!

Q4 Clue 767 Happy New Year!

A Happy New (DISC) Year! D-style May it be a successful year with some significant challenges and where you achieve great goals! I-style May it be a positive year with plenty of shared moments of happiness and friendliness! S-style May it be a healthy, loving, and...

Q4 Clue 766 Christmas Day

Q4 Clue 766 Christmas Day

Merry Christmas! Maybe with others? Then, some 'DISC tips' to get through these days 😉. For yourself but certainly also for those around you. D-style These days can easily be seen as a have-to-do, not in charge. You can sit around sulking, or you can accept it. Do...

Q4 Clue 764 | Humour (in the workplace)

Q4 Clue 764 | Humour (in the workplace)

You might say by joking that you show your personality. It is also seen as a valuable soft skill. What about the different styles? D-style Laughing also helps against stress and is an ideal way to blow off (D) steam. But, important for this style, to keep it fun for...

Q4 Clue 763 | Poems

Q4 Clue 763 | Poems

Traditionally, St Nicholas celebrations include poems. Recognise the style of the poem - and perhaps the author/giver! D-style You can't delegate this one; you have to write it yourself. Or is ChatGPT an option? The poem will be short. But bold. There will be some...

Q4 Clue 762 | The Collector

Q4 Clue 762 | The Collector

Chances are that the Salvation Army will come by this week. How do the different styles deal with collectors at their door? D-style This is the style we need to use to get rid of someone quickly. Not interested! If you are interested, no problem, of course. Then, you...

Q4 Clue 761 | Appointments (for the holidays)

Q4 Clue 761 | Appointments (for the holidays)

Things move faster than you think. The holidays are coming, and so are appointments. How do different styles deal with this? D-style This style (in us) decides. And preferably this style decides. It can be rational and quick. Or simply what this style wants. Then,...

Q4 Clue 760 | Mediation

Q4 Clue 760 | Mediation

Mediation is independent counselling of a conversation between parties who want to reach an agreement with each other. Being flexible in your communication styles will be an excellent attribute then. How do you think you could use all your styles? D-style Forcing,...

Q4 Clue 759 | Traffic jam-free Day Netherlands

Q4 Clue 759 | Traffic jam-free Day Netherlands

Traffic jam-free Day Netherlands tomorrow. How could the different styles potentially contribute to this? D-style Bike or public transport is probably not an immediate alternative. If only because it takes longer. But with your (D?) driving style, you can help to...

Q4 Clue 758 | Team NL Korfball world champion

Q4 Clue 758 | Team NL Korfball world champion

Congratulations, Team NL, with the gold! And in response to this title, how do the different styles celebrate (an outstanding achievement)? D-style 'Plays hard and also celebrates hard'. In other words, this style will give everything to achieve the highest goal. In...

Q4 Clue 757 | Helping

Q4 Clue 757 | Helping

A request for help at work or in your personal life. How do different styles deal with helping (request for help)? D-style Quick in asking for help. But beware other styles can also quickly interpret it as delegating. Not so quick to offer or pledge help. It should...

Q4 Clue 756 | Feeling good about yourself

Q4 Clue 756 | Feeling good about yourself

When is a particular style 'comfortable in its own skin' and how does it show itself? D-style To be comfortable in your skin, you need to be in (total) control. You can make quick decisions and get to action. Not afraid of bumps in the road. Directing and delegating...

Q4 Clue 755 | Commitment

Q4 Clue 755 | Commitment

In personal relationships or at the workplace. How do different styles show commitment? D-style This style enjoys it when things go well with their close ones. Will do anything that will benefit them. Not a 9-5 type and is willing to work harder than asked and...

Q4 Clue 754 | Q4 Profiles 15 years

Q4 Clue 754 | Q4 Profiles 15 years

Precisely today, the Q4 Profiles profile celebrates 15 years. Pretty proud of that! It's nice also to look at it from the perspective of a Q4 Clue; how do the styles deal with an x-year anniversary? D-style Proud. Persevered, fought on and conquered! Off to the next...

Q4 Clue 753 | Vitality

Q4 Clue 753 | Vitality

Several definitions can be found about vitality, but from a DISC perspective, we can observe the natural energy of the different styles. D-style Personal challenging goals mainly activate your D-energy. Then you can act powerfully, make decisions and lead the way....

Q4 Clue 752 | Resilience

Q4 Clue 752 | Resilience

Mental resilience is a concept that 'touches' all styles. What are the natural characteristics per style, and how do you recover quickly? D-style Accept circumstances beyond your control. Step over them. Too bad it didn't work out; it happened - next! And to get it...

Q4 Clue 751 | BBQ

Q4 Clue 751 | BBQ

Last weekend was again our annual summer event, organised at the Westeinderplassen—a social and relaxed get-together with a BBQ. So the question arises, how do the different styles bbq? D-style Look, I cooked today! But that was already made and prepared. Furthermore,...

Q4 Clue 750 Out of office

Q4 Clue 750 Out of office

Over the past few weeks, we've seen these and possibly sent them ourselves; the Out of Office messages. How do you recognise the different styles? D-style There's a good chance this style doesn't. Checks his/her e-mail regularly anyway. Wherever. Otherwise very...

Q4 Clue 749 Greeting

Q4 Clue 749 Greeting

Last Saturday, there was a 'wave for a smile day'. Friendly initiative, so let's ask ourselves; how do different styles greet by nature (e.g. on the street)? D-style Often in rapid pace from A to B. Someone on their path may 'not be noticed'. Maybe a tiny salute like...

Q4 Clue 748 Never give up

Q4 Clue 748 Never give up

We all have a particular preferred style. Interesting to know what naturally drives us. In this case, how the different types persevere, not giving up. D-style We need to tap into our D style to persevere and push through, especially in the face of challenges and...

Q4 Clue 747 | Jumbo-Jet

Q4 Clue 747 | Jumbo-Jet

Clue 747. Sometimes a number can mean something to you. This one especially if you live/work near an airport. The famous plane with the bump, the Boeing 747. D-style For a long time, by far the grandest passenger plane in the world. In 1969, a whole lot bigger than...

Q4 Clue 746 | Sneekweek

Q4 Clue 746 | Sneekweek

This famous sailing event is underway again. D-style From Optimist to Rainbow. Every class can compete. So if you want to compete, you can compete to win. Watching the races - provided there is fanatical sailing, of course - is also possible from the starting island....

Q4 Clue 745 | World Ranger Day

Q4 Clue 745 | World Ranger Day

Today we reflect on the (forest) ranger. And especially the image we have of this from the different DISC styles. D-style In the Netherlands, we may see the ranger mainly as a glorified parkkeeper. But - indeed, worldwide - it can be hazardous work: wild animals...

Q4 Clue 744 | Sentences

Q4 Clue 744 | Sentences

he Personal (DISC) Style tells us about the 'How'. How you naturally do something (and in what order). So also how you talk and write. Recognise the different styles. D-style Short sentences down to even staccato style. First of all, to save time and secondly, to be...

Q4 Clue 743 | Talent

Q4 Clue 743 | Talent

Talent often refers to our natural ability, which we can also link to our natural (DISC) style. And that, in turn, reinforces; doing something you are good at is often something you like - and therefore do a lot/often. And thereby getting better at it. What is this...

Q4 Clue 742 | On the couch

Q4 Clue 742 | On the couch

People sometimes say that when you are at home on the couch, you are really yourself. Your natural self. But is that the case? D-style Why not on your own chair with (fold-out) footrest? Or do you have to fight for your spot on the couch first? And what do you...

Q4 Clue 741 | Made a mistake!

Q4 Clue 741 | Made a mistake!

Nothing is more human. But how do different styles deal with it, and how do you recognise them? D-style Errrr! Big chance it wasn't (entirely) their own fault, and will primarily point that out. But only dwell on it for a short time. The 'Can't make an omelette...

Q4 Clue 740 | Leisure activities

Q4 Clue 740 | Leisure activities

From the DISC (needs) perspective, how do the different styles spend their leisure time? Also good to know when you plan to do something together this holiday season. D-style Has a solid urge to carry out their own will. Prefers to decide what to do. Others follow...

Q4 Clue 739 | Holiday pay

Q4 Clue 739 | Holiday pay

When you get a bonus, for instance, holiday pay, how do you deal with it? Especially also given the current climate. D-style First of all, this is mine and therefore meant for me. Or, at the least, I decide what happens with it. If it's holiday money, then spend it on...

Q4 Clue 738 | Healthy lifestyle

Q4 Clue 738 | Healthy lifestyle

Following Healthy Youth Week, how do we approach this? Because to live a healthy lifestyle, again, we need to use all our styles. D-style To set goals and achieve them, you need your D-drive. Be it a certain grade or band, the number of kilometres or a target weight....

Q4 Clue 737 | World Environment Day

Q4 Clue 737 | World Environment Day

The 50th edition already... This year's theme is plastic pollution. How can we address it? D-style Decide, do and then address it that way. It is a global problem, but we can start small. Think about bringing your bag to the shop. And persevere, don't give up. I-style...

Q4 Clue 736 | Bad news conversation

Q4 Clue 736 | Bad news conversation

How do you approach this? Different styles, different characteristics. Which do you deploy, and in what order? D-style Just deliver the bad news straight away. Don't beat around the bush. Say what you need to say directly, clearly and concisely. I-style This style can...

Q4 Clue 735 | National Hoarding Week

Q4 Clue 735 | National Hoarding Week

In other words: collecting urges. It can take severe forms, but we all have to deal with it; you accumulate (a lot of) stuff. How do different styles collect? D-style In itself, this is the style that can easily part with things. But out of sight... So an attic, shed...

Q4 Clue 734 | Addressing a conflict situation

Q4 Clue 734 | Addressing a conflict situation

A conflict situation is looming, and it needs to be dealt with. How do the different styles address this? D-style It is best to confront it head-on. So take action, act or speak up immediately and in a direct way. Then everybody knows right away where they stand....

Q4 Clue 733 | Taking a trip

Q4 Clue 733 | Taking a trip

Summer holidays are approaching, and perhaps a nice trip is in the offing. How do different styles travel? D-style Control but also an adventure. So does decide (where to go, how, with whom (not), et cetera), but then it's okay. Doesn't feel the need to organise and...

Q4 Clue 732 | Labour Day

Q4 Clue 732 | Labour Day

Take this day as an opportunity to look at the differences in 'work styles'. Or put another way, which style should you employ when? D-style When you have to make a decision, provide or determine direction. Whether or not to force through or unpopular. Also, address...

Q4 Clue 731 Preparing

Q4 Clue 731 Preparing

Whether it's a (work) task or a holiday trip. How do the different DISC styles prepare? D-style Prefers to delegate this. Ideal picture; someone else prepares it and gives this to me just beforehand: concise info, description or a packed suitcase. Of course, this will...

Q4 Clue 730 Week of the tick

Q4 Clue 730 Week of the tick

Interesting to look at how best to inform the different DISC styles. For example, to prevent tick bites in this case! D-style The What? question should be clear. For this example, an answer to, what is the risk of a tick bite? Or what is Lyme disease? If you want to...

Q4 Clue 729 Addressing someone

Q4 Clue 729 Addressing someone

To address someone's behaviour. How do the different DISC styles naturally do this? D-style Decisive. In other words, can address someone immediately without worrying about the consequences or the reaction to this action. This can then also be too (direct). I-style...

Q4 Clue 728 | Awareness of Safety Day

Q4 Clue 728 | Awareness of Safety Day

This day is specific to the construction industry, but dangerous situations occur in most workplaces. How do different styles decide to do something (un)safely? D-style The 'quickly, in a hurry, am busy, little time' style in us. Also, the one that takes risks easily....

Q4 Clue 727 | Control the Bling

Q4 Clue 727 | Control the Bling

Money Week is there to teach young people to use money wisely. This year's theme is 'Control the Bling'. How does this translate to the different DISC styles? D-style Being status-sensitive is likely to the D style. Showing off what you have is no stranger to this...

Q4 Clue 726 | International Happiness Day

Q4 Clue 726 | International Happiness Day

Today it will be announced which country is the happiest (the World Happiness Report). From the perspective of the DISC Styles, how do we view 'happiness'? D-style Will experience happiness when this style is in control itself. Having the freedom to make your own...

Q4 Clue 725 | Saying no (in office talk)

Q4 Clue 725 | Saying no (in office talk)

How the different styles can say no (in office talk). And recognise the Styles! D-style "I hear what you're saying, but we're going to do it my way anyway". It might seem a bit less direct, but it's just a clear no in the end. Actually, even a 'double no'. I-style "If...

Q4 Clue 724 | National Week Without Meat

Q4 Clue 724 | National Week Without Meat

The start of the week without meat (and chicken and fish and preferably dairy). How could the different styles deal with this? D-style Of course, whether you are open to it is personal. But participating, be it for one day or not at all, this style makes that...

Q4 Clue 723 | Rejection

Q4 Clue 723 | Rejection

Whether for a job, an idea or a date. How do the different DISC styles handle rejection? D-style Tends to get angry first. Or at least blame someone else; not my fault; they don't get it. Steps over it quickly, though and doesn't carry it with him/her 'as baggage'....

Q4 Clue 721 | Tomorrow’s Valentine

Q4 Clue 721 | Tomorrow’s Valentine

Did you think about it? If not, this clue is a reminder. If you have a thing for it, of course. Valentine's Day, how do we deal with it? D-style May have forgotten about it because being too busy. But can also shift gears quickly and still arrange something if they...

Q4 Clue 720 | Tolerance

Q4 Clue 720 | Tolerance

This, of course, goes well beyond just the DISC Style but - especially in unfavourable conditions - interesting to look at HOW we can respond to the basic needs of DISC. D-style The D for Direct. A comment or reaction is, therefore, quickly given by this style. Even...

Q4 Clue 719 | Day of the Croissant

Q4 Clue 719 | Day of the Croissant

Whether you eat it on a terrace in France or just from the supermarket, most people love this roll. Some interesting facts in DISC style today. D-style According to tradition, the crescent shape is related to the Austrian victory over the Ottomans. Their secret tunnel...

Q4 Clue 718 | Responsibility

Q4 Clue 718 | Responsibility

Of course, any style can take responsibility when we look at the Personal (DISC) Style perspective. But how depends on the style. D-style Directing. The style that takes responsibility for complying with what is agreed (goal, deadline, objective). In other words,...

Q4 Clue 717 | Nothing day

Q4 Clue 717 | Nothing day

Whatever this day is, it is interesting to view this across the different styles. How do we do nothing? D-style Doing nothing, like spending all day in bed or on the couch, is not for this style. But doing nothing about work-related matters, for example, is. Just go...

Q4 Clue 716 | Clear Your Desk Day

Q4 Clue 716 | Clear Your Desk Day

Right at the beginning of the year, start clean! How do different styles approach this? Or tap into another style to do it (right)! D-style If you opt for rigorous, deploy your D-Style. Grab that pile sitting untouched on your desk for months and months and out with...

Q4 Clue 715 | New Year’s wishes

Q4 Clue 715 | New Year’s wishes

Of course, in DISC style - and with a wink 😉 On behalf of Q4 Profiles... D-style Best wishes and a top 23! I-style Happy New Year!!! May this new year give you peace, positivity and joy and may you experience lots of happiness each and every day. And that we will...

Q4 Clue 714 | Second Christmas Day

Q4 Clue 714 | Second Christmas Day

How do the different DISC styles view or deal with this second day? D-style The religious nature of this second Christmas Day is somewhat lost. So you can also decide for yourself what you want to do on this day. Yesterday 'the obligations' - today I. I-style An extra...

Q4 Clue 713 | A Blue Christmas

Q4 Clue 713 | A Blue Christmas

This day is to think about those who work in or with safety and law enforcement during Christmas. Police officers, firefighters, EMTs, 112 operators and so on. How? D-style They keep us safe and save lives. But it comes at a price. Long dark days and even nights. Wet...

Q4 Clue 712 | Green Monday

Q4 Clue 712 | Green Monday

We know Black Friday and Cyber Monday by now, but have you heard of this one? Green, by the way, does not stand for the environment. What, Who, How and Why? D-style In retail, Green Monday is one of the busiest and most lucrative shopping days. Ten days before...

Q4 Clue 711 | Day of the Ninja

Q4 Clue 711 | Day of the Ninja

We could have written another clue about 'Sinterklaas presents night'. But it's also Ninja day today! Therefore the question is, what about our inner Ninja? D-style D-Ninjas are bad-ass! Dressed in black, they pop up in the dead of night. Masters of martial arts....

Q4 Clue 710 | Teadious Jobs

Q4 Clue 710 | Teadious Jobs

We all have them. Not necessarily the same ones, by the way. What one person finds dreadful, another does with a smile. But how do we deal with these? D-style Delegate! The first thing that comes to mind to a D-style. And then doing so or at least trying to. Also, the...

Q4 Clue 709 | World Hello Day

Q4 Clue 709 | World Hello Day

This day was established back in 1973 already, and over 180 countries participate! To express a little more solidarity and to greet at least ten people today. How do different styles actually greet? D-style A direct short, and firm greeting. Hey!" and carrying on. Can...

Q4 Clue 708 | Workload and stress

Q4 Clue 708 | Workload and stress

We want (too?) much in our lives. We see this, especially among the younger generation. Let's look at this through the DISC perspective; which style drives which need? D-style The D style in us wants to 'be the best'. Compete to win. The style that drives our...

Q4 Clue 707 | Trust

Q4 Clue 707 | Trust

This year's Week of Respect identifies 'trust' as a critical founding element. Let's look at this from the DISC core characteristics. How easily do you trust someone? D-style What is it you want from me? This is basically what is always on the mind of this style. Want...

Q4 Clue 706 | Frighten

Q4 Clue 706 | Frighten

The fright response is deeply ingrained in our core behaviour. Since today is Halloween, it's a fun one to take a look at; how do we react when something or someone scares us? D-style Keep your distance when grazing the D style. You have to do your best to really...

Q4 Clue 705 | Kale day

Q4 Clue 705 | Kale day

Probably invented to promote and keep this old Dutch vegetable in the spotlight. But for us, a fun occasion to question; how do we deal with this very green vegetable? D-style It may seem somewhat ordinary but make no mistake, kale has been on the global rise as a...

Q4 Clue 704 | We are DISC!

Q4 Clue 704 | We are DISC!

You know the quotes like, you're green, or that high D. Nonsense, we are everything! What we want, we do, we should, and so we do everything. D, I, S and C. D-style For example, a decision you make comes from your D-style. Sooner or later, you have to decide something...

Q4 Clue 703 | Energy

Q4 Clue 703 | Energy

The National Energy Week is about renewable energy generation and energy reduction. So they say. It will probably only be about the one thing we are all talking about; the high prices. Recognise the style in this debate. D-style "I don't pay!". Always opted for...

Q4 Clue 702 | Week of parenting

Q4 Clue 702 | Week of parenting

Children are pure, so the behaviour you observe is, therefore, mostly the way of 'how' to best treat that child, almost like copying. But there are pitfalls you may want to avoid. How about that with the different styles? D-style Self-assured, wants to be the best,...

Q4 Clue 701 | A little joke! Just kidding!

Q4 Clue 701 | A little joke! Just kidding!

This is the slogan of the Week Against Bullying 2022. A joke can start small but then turn into bullying. How does this slogan stand up to the different styles? D-style This style sets your boundaries. I don't like it; cut it out. But also the style that makes 'jokes...

Q4 Clue 700 | Day of the dietitian

Q4 Clue 700 | Day of the dietitian

A lovely occasion to take a look at how the different styles in us deal with the challenge; eating well versus the unhealthy bite. D-style If the D-style in us is convinced, then will go all the way. It can also be too much and go too far. But as quick as it started,...

Q4 Clue 699 | Summer Event ’22

Q4 Clue 699 | Summer Event ’22

We can look back on another very successful event. It was lovely that the weather also contributed to the atmosphere and enjoyment! We also organised a few 'challenging activities' such as supping and water skiing. Observing and recognising the different styles is...

Q4 Clue 698 | Receiving guests

Q4 Clue 698 | Receiving guests

How do we handle receiving guests at home? D-style Inviting is one thing - if he or she likes the guest(s), otherwise clearly a no - but what about arranging, organising and especially the execution? This style doesn't worry much about that... I-style Enthusiastic in...

Q4 Clue 697 | How do we respond to stress

Q4 Clue 697 | How do we respond to stress

Stress can be an unfavourable circumstance, in which case we tend to react first according to our highest natural style. How do the styles primarily respond to stress? D-style Short-tempered and wanting to take control. Becomes (very) direct in communicating and...

Q4 Clue 696 | Suddenly, nature is mainstream

Q4 Clue 696 | Suddenly, nature is mainstream

Not so long ago, it got quiet quickly when you went slightly off the beaten track. But times have changed. What, who, how and why? D-style Many have started to exercise in the open air. This also brought about more and more outdoor (sports) clubs and opportunities....

Q4Clue 695 Laze around

Q4Clue 695 Laze around

Maybe you think lazing around is what everyone does the same, right? But nothing is further from the truth. How do different styles (or not...) laze about. D-style Sitting still and doing absolutely nothing is very difficult for a D-style. Perhaps just for a moment -...

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