Q4 Clues
If you subscribe you will receive our weekly mailing Q4 Profiles Clues. In it, we shed light on a topical subject from DISC. Think of Black Friday. How do the different styles deal with this phenomenon?
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Q4 Clue 621 | Elections this Wednesday
It will be a particular day this election day, during the corona pandemic. How will we deal with it? D-style Because of all the rules at the polling station, it will probably take more time. A quick visit before or after work will probably not be possible. This style...
Q4 Clue 620 | Jantje Beton foundation
Provided that the situation allows it, the collection will come by again this week. To create, maintain and promote outdoor play areas. Did you know that 3 in 10 children do not or only play once a week outdoors? To play is good for you and your brain is the motto:...
Q4 Clue 619 | National Compliment Day
How often do you give a compliment when something is going well? That you actually say it? And we all know - especially in these times - how important it is to be appreciated. D-style What is nice about this day, a compliment is free. And not only that, but you also...
Q4 Clue 618 | Don’t forget to exercise
As it goes on and on, it becomes more and more important to exercise regularly. How do we do this according to the different styles, and how can we keep it up? D-style This style seeks to challenge, goals and competition. That's hard to do only against yourself,...
Q4 Clue 617 Writing style
Written communication is, of course, also an important way of connecting with others. With which writing style do you reach what DISC style? D-style Short and powerful texts. Directly to the point. It should immediately appeal, such as: is it interesting for me + what...
Q4 Clue 616 The day of self-confidence
How do different styles assess their own qualities? And where can they go wrong? D-style By nature, this style is sure of itself even if it is not always so, of course. Not afraid to lose face, to be disliked or to fall on your face. But he/she can think in terms of...
Q4 Clue 615 | Winter Wonderland anno 2021
Unfortunately, this annual meeting was also unable to take place live this year. This of course applies to many (company) meetings, outings, etc. But as we have seen with our digital version, there are alternatives! D-style You can quickly decide that it is not...
Q4Clue 614 Seating position
We know, a good seating position is essential! Especially now that we can spend whole days sitting at the dinner table. But also on the couch, or anywhere else. How do you recognise a style by the (wrong) seating posture? D-style The active seating style. Tip of the...
Q4Clue 613 Doubt (yourself)
Everyone can experience it from time to time. Doubt what you can do, about yourself. How does this manifest itself in different styles? D-style The primary driving force of the D-style is control. If for whatever reason, this cannot be achieved or is lost, it can...
Q4 Clue 612 Vaccination
Apart from personal objections and beliefs, how do the different DISC styles (or combinations thereof) deal with 'the vaccination'? Whether or not (immediately). D-style May or may not. May; if it's of personal benefit to you, you see it as useful. May not; if the...
Q4Clue 611 World Braille Day
The great thing about special days is that it also gives you excellent new knowledge and insights. What, Who, How and Why? D-style Braille is reading with the fingers through an embossed alphabet. A system for reading and writing with the tactile sense. Braille Day...
Q4Clue 610 Personal development plan
Now that this strange and challenging year is almost over, and there is some 'hope for the normal' again, we can take a more positive view towards 2021. Do you have a personal development plan for next year yet? Something where you need to address all your DISC...
Q4Clue 609 The shortest day of the year
Exactly today, December 21st, is the shortest day of this year. D-style There is a good chance that you will not see daylight during the working week. Go away in the dark and already dark when you go home*. That is true, in Amsterdam, the day lasts only 7 hours and 40...
Q4Clue 608 Winter sport people
Winter sport people are often very passionate. Now with corona the oh so beloved holiday is at stake. How do the different styles (still) look forward to this trip to the snow? D-style The D-style in us can be truly motivated to go. And if there is even a small...
Q4Clue 607 Keeping teams together
Indeed, now that we often work from home, this topic is very current. Understanding the needs of the different styles and how to maintain the bond. D-style Whatever the position of a D-style, they want to be and remain in control. Involve this style at all times and...
Q4Clue 606 Hiring – Educating – Retaining
An important trinity. Of course, to employers, but also for you as an employee. Or as your own boss. What motivates based on the Personal DISC Style? Hiring (what am I looking for) Educating (developing) Retaining (continuing) D-style Seeking a challenge, wants to...
Q4 Clue 605 Cancel culture
Cancel culture or checkout culture. A phenomenon of our time; boycotting people or organisations via social media. How is it possible that it has suddenly become so popular among all styles?D-style Social media provides a platform on which you easily can express your...
Q4Clue 604 High Potentials
Who are these HiPos? How do you recognise this 3-5 % of the workforce, what are their characteristics? Interesting; these characteristics cover all DISC styles.D-style High Potentials are happy to take charge and accept responsibility. Also beyond their job...
Q4 Clue 603 Zero Waste Week
(Learning) to live without leaving behind waste. The arguments according to the style.D-style The aim is to reduce waste ( disposal heap) and waste incineration. And what ends up in the sea... More recycling and re-use, moving towards a circular economy. You can...
Q4Clue 602 In-house emergency personnel day
Today is the national day of the company In-house Emergency Personnel. To out these more than 500,000 people in the spotlight (in this week of respect).D-style Realise that when there is an (evacuation) exercise, you do not react annoyed. Like "do we have to do it...
Q4Clue 601 Skills of the Future
It is moving fast. Increasingly faster. What are essential skills now will be obsolete within 5 years. AI and robots and are (literally) on the doorstep. What are the skills for the future and how do we adapt? And this covers our entire DISC spectrum.D-style...
Q4Clue 600 Connectivity (in COVID times)
It seems that we can't 'just go to the office' for a while yet. The question then arises, how do we stay involved and connected with each other and with the company?D-style At the end of the day, the work will continue. Productivity and results still have to be met....
Q4 Clue 599 You as leader 2021
Also in leadership a lot is changing. The influx of new generations, different times. How do you deal with that?D-style More to one's own responsibility and challenges. Whether somebody starts at 10:00 or enjoys a game of ping-pong, that doesn't matter. What matters...
Q4 Clue 598 Day of the Teacher
Today is a special day to show appreciation to teachers. That is why we would like to share a few DISC insights. How to recognise the student plus a few tips!D-style Verbal present students. Demanding and prefer to decide for themselves (what needs to be done etc.)....
Q4Clue 597 Dress Red Day
Will you wear something red tomorrow the 29th? At first, it seems like a fun day but make no mistake as it has a very serious mission; to raise attention for cardiovascular diseases of women.D-style The D-style is of course 'the red style' of dominant, of direct, of...
Q4Clue 596 Sleeping Routines
Whether there are specific sleep-chronotypes is the question, but it is interesting to look at the DISC Styles versus the sleeping routine. And you know, we are all styles, so which one do you prefer?D-style Time is money? Then time asleep is probably money, too....
Q4Clue 595 Career Path
Today is the start of Career Week. Interesting to place 'the career path' alongside the DISC styles.D-style The ambitious style in us. Sets higher and higher goals or tries to achieve a (very) high goal set from an early age. Whatever it is; a hierarchical...
Q4Clue 594 30 Day Challenge
Try to challenge yourself to do something for 30 days that you wouldn't otherwise do.D-style Start small. Setting a challenge or goal is fine of course, but it doesn't have to end with 250 squats on day 30. It doesn't have to be just fitness challenges at all....
Q4 Clue 593 Online Learning
Learning is getting done more and more online nowadays. How do the different styles deal with this?D-style The disadvantage of an online learning environment is, you can postpone it. There is often something more critical that gets in between. Then suddenly it's one...
Q4Clue 592 Ideal Work Environment
We know that the Personal (DISC) Style only tells something about the HOW. Many other 'layers' contribute to the final choice and whether or not someone is successful in a specific position. But when we look solely at the DISC style, what is the ideal work...
Q4Clue 591 Knowledge Transfer
When we link DISC to the transfer of knowledge, it is mainly about the question 'how' you transfer knowledge (to the various styles). What is the preference of a ...D-style First, answer the "WHAT" question; What should I offer this person? Always a goal, a direction,...
Q4Clue 590 Collaboration
Good collaboration requires more than just operating according to your style. Adaptation is also needed once in a while…D-style Leave the initiative to someone else now and then and above all, allow the time to do so. You may lose control and direction for a moment,...
Q4 Clue 589 Extra Time
So we suddenly had a lot of time to spend in and around the house. How did we deal with this?D-style The four walls probably closed in on this style very quickly. And we all went running, walking and/or cycling. This was likely the D-drive in us. To get out and burn...
Q4Clue 588 The Dark Side
Each style also has a 'dark side'. It can manifest itself when you overreact in a specific style, when a style becomes too strong…D-style A violent outburst of anger will be the first indication. Not being able to withstand criticism and even spinning the truth. Can...
Q4Clue 587 Heart for the cause
How do the different styles express this?D-style This style can 'fight'. That's why he or she is sometimes at odds with colleagues or management but know, he or she will also fight for the cause. I-style The I-style expresses it mainly with pure enthusiasm. Both...
Q4Clue 586 Irritation
We can all be in someone's allergy sometimes. Especially in the circumstances we're in right now. Recognize and acknowledge your DISC traits which can irritate other people.D-style At a certain point, you're 'done with it' because of your D-style. For example, if...
Q4 Clue 585 Flexibility
How flexible is a style? For example, when someone is (suddenly) given another task or assignment.D-style Black or white. Can change gears very quickly and adapt to something else immediately. But only if he or she is backing it, sees the benefits because this style...
Q4 Clue 584 International Mud Day
Sometimes you hear about those special days you think what's this? But this one is nice and exciting. Get dirty!D-style This day is for children to go out and to get dirty. That can be an ideal opportunity for this style to take the lead in this! Be active, out in the...
Q4 Clue 583 Who’s going on holiday?
We can (are allowed to) travel again. And we probably want to, but the question is; are we going?D-style We are told, travelling is at your own risk. This style will take risks a bit easier than others. Even willing to take the plane to a more further destination....