Q4 Clue 756 | Feeling good about yourself When is a particular style ‘comfortable in its own skin’ and how does it show itself? D-style To be comfortable in your skin, you need to be in (total) control. You can make quick decisions and get to action. Not...
Q4 Clue 755 | Commitment In personal relationships or at the workplace. How do different styles show commitment? D-style This style enjoys it when things go well with their close ones. Will do anything that will benefit them. Not a 9-5 type and is willing to work...
Q4 Clue 754 | Q4 Profiles 15 years Precisely today, the Q4 Profiles profile celebrates 15 years. Pretty proud of that! It’s nice also to look at it from the perspective of a Q4 Clue; how do the styles deal with an x-year anniversary? D-style Proud. Persevered,...
Q4 Clue 753 | Vitality Several definitions can be found about vitality, but from a DISC perspective, we can observe the natural energy of the different styles. D-style Personal challenging goals mainly activate your D-energy. Then you can act powerfully, make...
Q4 Clue 752 | Resilience Mental resilience is a concept that ‘touches’ all styles. What are the natural characteristics per style, and how do you recover quickly? D-style Accept circumstances beyond your control. Step over them. Too bad it didn’t...
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