Q4 Clue 761 | Appointments (for the holidays) Things move faster than you think. The holidays are coming, and so are appointments. How do different styles deal with this? D-style This style (in us) decides. And preferably this style decides. It can be rational and...
Q4 Clue 760 | Mediation Mediation is independent counselling of a conversation between parties who want to reach an agreement with each other. Being flexible in your communication styles will be an excellent attribute then. How do you think you could use all your...
Q4 Clue 759 | Traffic jam-free Day Netherlands Traffic jam-free Day Netherlands tomorrow. How could the different styles potentially contribute to this? D-style Bike or public transport is probably not an immediate alternative. If only because it takes longer. But...
Q4 Clue 758 | Team NL Korfball world champion Congratulations, Team NL, with the gold! And in response to this title, how do the different styles celebrate (an outstanding achievement)? D-style ‘Plays hard and also celebrates hard’. In other words, this...
Q4 Clue 757 | Helping A request for help at work or in your personal life. How do different styles deal with helping (request for help)? D-style Quick in asking for help. But beware other styles can also quickly interpret it as delegating. Not so quick to offer or...
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