Q4 Clue 772 | Self-confidence taits Self-confidence includes ‘style transcending traits’. For some, you may have to dig deeper than for others, but we have them all! Which style for which traits? D-style Don’t shy away from challenges. Even if you...
Q4 Clue 771 | Privacy Yesterday was the European Privacy Day. Or, in other words, Data Protection Day. It is good to reflect on how we handle data security according to the different styles. D-style Don’t click too quickly. The style that can act too fast....
Q4 Clue 770 | Problem-solving abilities Problem-solving abilities: how does this relate to the different DISC Styles? D-style Direct into actions. Wasting as little time, resources or money as possible. However, this is often only a short-term solution. If it happens...
Q4 Clue 769 | Blue Monday According to the experts, it is the most depressing day of the year. How do we best get through this day from the perspective of our DISC styles? D-style Exercise has a positive effect on your mood. Doing sports or going for a walk. If you...
Q4 Clue 768 | Intuition Derived from the Latin ‘inner knowing’. A somewhat difficult concept perhaps, but let’s see how it can manifest in different styles. D-style This style can decide on something very suddenly. Just does it, not fearing the...
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