Q4 Clue 778 | Happiness Next Wednesday is International Happiness Day. What can happiness mean for the different styles? D-style D-happiness (to call it like that 😉) is the feeling you get when you have achieved an outstanding achievement. You have won, overcome...
Q4 Clue 777 | Sleep Brain Awareness Week is all about sleep. We will not talk about brain function right now but know that we need a good night’s sleep. What are the pitfalls of different the styles? D-style This style in us always has something to do, plan, or...
Q4 Clue 776 | Waste Heroes This week, we are spotlighting the people who keep our neighbourhood clean and to whom you can go with your waste. What can you do? D-style During wind and rain, in times of crisis, at night and on public holidays. That deserves respect. So,...
Q4 Clue 775 | Storytelling style On the occasion of ‘Tell a Fairy Tale Day’, let’s look at how our different styles tell a story. D-style Brief, powerful and straight to the point. Better at reading aloud (of a fairy tale) than telling from memory....
Q4 Clue 774 | Friendliness Being friendly to each other comes in many forms. From a DISC-style perspective, we can look at it in terms of the ‘how?’ question. How does a Style show friendliness? D-style The style that is quick to say what they think. This...
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