Q4 Clue 817 | Christmas trends Looking at Christmas decorating, what does it look like? Also fun, what is your impression when you visit someone’s house? Recognise the DISC style by the Christmas tree and decorating. D-style Party &...
Q4 Clue 816 | Communicating better With the holidays, parties and get-togethers coming up, it may be a good idea to get your own and each other’s DISC ‘pitfalls’ straight again? D-style Communicating is talking and listening, not...
Q4 Clue 815 | Integrity Week Integrity is a character trait, but we can place various (work) examples alongside the four DISC Style characteristics. D-style At conflicts be apparent about one’s position and interests. Do not take sides;...
Q4 Clue 814 | AI It is becoming increasingly integrated and a part of our daily lives. Let’s look at it from the perspective of DISC: how do different styles use AI? D-style Uses AI to get results faster and to make more efficient decisions....
Q4 Clue 813 | Check Your Passwords Day Have you been able to check your passwords yesterday? If not, here’s a reminder based on the unique motivations of each style. D-style Take control of your online security and update your passwords regularly. Secure...
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