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Q4 Clue 599 You as leader 2021

Also in leadership a lot is changing. The influx of new generations, different times. How do you deal with that?


More to one’s own responsibility and challenges. Whether somebody starts at 10:00 or enjoys a game of ping-pong, that doesn’t matter. What matters is that the job gets done and on time. And that is the employee’s responsibility.


More to communication. Above all, how? How to interact with others. Because every individual is different. The soft skills. Don’t forget the emotional (intelligence) aspect, the work/non-work balance or nowadays the other way around; non-work/work balance.


More to coaching leadership, no more reprimanding. Especially the younger generation needs practical guidance and encouragement. Aiming for meaningful work in a safe and respectful work environment.


More towards contributing to the development of the employee. They no longer tap into old management techniques. Want to learn, share knowledge. Seek more mentor than a manager and don’t forget to listen closely.