BoBAV voor veiligheid en gedrag

Peter Boeijer
T 06 – 51 35 57 15
Sav. Lohmanstraat 104
Website: Link
BoBAV for safety and behaviour
80 % of incidents in Construction, Industry and Petrochemicals still come from human behaviour.
BoBAV is Specialist in Safety and Behaviour.
Through advice, training, coaching and guidance we bring the Safety level within your company to the highest level.
Within the framework of occupational health and safety legislation, we are specialised in:
– Auditing your organisation
– The VCA, ISO-9001 and OHSAS-18001 certification
– Your Risk Inventory and Evaluation
– Improving your Safety Policy
We have special expertise in the field of safety during vertical and horizontal transport, such as hoisting, lifting and working at height.