Q4 Clue 821 | Feeling down? It could be that you feel a bit ‘depressed’? Seems to be that time of year. Here are some tips by style to boost your energy (combinations are possible, of course!). D-style Undertake a challenge with an element of...
Q4 Clue 820 | Who is the Mole? They ask themselves this question in the famous TV show, but it can take place anywhere. So, we can ask ourselves, how does a mole operate based on the different DISC Styles? D-style Can – consciously or not...
Q4 Clue 819 | Happy New Year! Since it is also the time of New Year’s parties, we ask ourselves how the different styles view these events. D-style From this style, it is important… whether it is important. It has to ‘bring...
Q4 Clue 818 | Oliebollen (aka Dutch doughnuts?) One of the Dutch traditions with New Year’s Eve is Oliebollen. To start getting into the festive spirit already, how do the DISC styles approach these? D-style Will not settle for an inferior...
Q4 Clue 817 | Christmas trends Looking at Christmas decorating, what does it look like? Also fun, what is your impression when you visit someone’s house? Recognise the DISC style by the Christmas tree and decorating. D-style Party &...
Q4 Clue 816 | Communicating better With the holidays, parties and get-togethers coming up, it may be a good idea to get your own and each other’s DISC ‘pitfalls’ straight again? D-style Communicating is talking and listening, not...
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