Q4 Clue 788 | Giving an opinion “You used to say something that was that, nowadays everyone has an opinion.” So how do we express them? D-style Directly, of course. Boom, bang, and that’s my opinion. You can say that’s perfectly clear, but ask yourself: Is...
Q4 Clue 787 | International HR Day One of the topics this year is ‘Excellence in People Leadership’, which refers to HR Management that ‘builds inclusive workplaces where everyone feels they can bring their authentic self to work each day.’ This covers all DISC...
Q4 Clue 786 | Final exams Secondary school exams start tomorrow. Here are a few (style) tips for parents/guardians/directly involved that may help during this period. D-style It is OK to challenge or ‘push’ this style. They can take things too easily. For...
Q4 Clue 785 | No Diet Day This is not a day to start stuffing yourself with crisps and pies but rather to reflect on dieting. How—and more specifically, why? D-style Even if you are highly motivated, it is very hard to stick to it for a long time, forever....
Q4 Clue 784 | Self-esteem How do you feel about yourself? Each style has its strengths as well as pitfalls. How can we use our different styles positively – and what to avoid? D-style The style of daring to make your own choices. Assertive and the confidence to...
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