Q4 Clue 792 | The purchase styles How do the different styles relate to each other when a large or special purchase is to be made? D-style The style of decision-making. If you score high on this style, then it can be quick—too quick sometimes. If this style is lower,...
Q4 Clue 791 | The questioning styles By nature, each style has its specific questioning style. Recognize the questioner. D-style Straight to the point and put it clearly, almost in such a way that it’s not a question but already an instruction. And you are also...
Q4 Clue 790 | Healthy Youth Week A healthy future starts with a healthy youth. But for many children, growing up healthy is not yet commonplace. How do the different DISC styles view growing up in a healthy environment? D-style Of course, through exercise and sports....
Q4 Clue 789 | World Cycling Day (UN) Are you on a bike today? If not, maybe tonight for a short ride to celebrate. After all, it’s World Bicycle Day! What, Who, How and Why you ask? D-style You can approach cycling as a fun physical activity. Touring, racing,...
Q4 Clue 788 | Giving an opinion “You used to say something that was that, nowadays everyone has an opinion.” So how do we express them? D-style Directly, of course. Boom, bang, and that’s my opinion. You can say that’s perfectly clear, but ask yourself: Is...
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