Q4 Clue 797 | Holiday time How do different styles approach their holiday time? D-style Work/business is always ongoing. This style mixes business and private quite a lot. So, it’s usual to stop by a client, keep up with your emails, and make some phone calls....
Q4 Clue 796 | Paris Olympics This Friday, the XXXIII edition begins in Paris, which is quite close. How do different styles think about possibly going there? D-style Always wanted to experience it once, and now it is well within reach. Of course, all – and...
Q4 Clue 795 | Tour de France Another great sporting event that is on the road. What is always interesting to watch is the different types of riders. Which style do you see and when? D-style The sprinter or frontman? Of course, any style can be this. But this role does...
Q4 Clue 794 | Dutch Summer And so it is already the 8th of July, and the summer isn’t going very well yet… How do we deal with it? D-style Of course, there will be a brief ‘grrrr’ when this style opens the curtain and it rains. But it is what it is, and we...
Q4 Clue 793 | World Cup 2024 We’ve been underway for a while, but now it’s down to the wire—the knockout phase. How do the different supporter styles view a sports match? D-style All the supporter craziness aside – the only thing that matters is...
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