Q4 Clue 783 | Seeding day Wild bees have a tough time. This day is one of the initiatives to boost biodiversity (very) locally and on a small scale. How can you contribute to this? D-style Guerrilla gardening is also possible! Start a little garden on an undeveloped...
Q4 Clue 782 | Secretary’s Day This Thursday, secretaries, secretarial staff, and management assistants will be put in the spotlight. There are different styles, different secretaries, and different bosses. Being flexible and adaptable is, therefore, an essential...
Q4 Clue 781 | Outdoor Teaching Day National Outdoor Teaching Day tomorrow. Sounds good, right? How will the students experience it based on their different styles? D-style A D-student may say, “You can be more active because sitting still all day is too...
Q4 Clue 780 | April Fools’ Day How do you fool the different styles? (Plus, as a tip: how not to fall into your pitfall!) D-style Mask the prank as a challenge. You cannot, or you do not dare to do this. The ‘urge to accomplish’ can then come before...
Q4 Clue 779 | Green garden week The aim; to make as many gardens, balconies and streets greener and more sustainable. How can we participate? D-style Yes, it’s easy to pop in only tiles! But know that this also has ‘other drawbacks’. You are more...
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