Q4 Clue 654 | Performing under pressure
Last weekend, the Dutch korfball players became European Champions. A sports match under high pressure is a perfect example of ‘unfavourable circumstances’. Be aware of the (your) specific Style Core characteristics that emerge in situations like these.
The D-Style in us wants to succeed, has a decisive winner’s mentality. If you are playing under tremendous pressure, such as a European Championship, you will do everything to win. But sometimes that can be ‘too much’. In hindsight, you can call that a good lesson…
With this style, emotion comes to the fore. This manifests itself mainly in a very vocal presence. Whether it is cheering or dealing with a disappointment, it will come out spontaneously and rashly with a remark, shout or another sound!
What an important role this style plays in a team. Brings stability under all circumstances, even or especially under great pressure. And always keeps an eye on the teammates, which was made all the more apparent by the public farewell substitution in this match.
If you are up against superpower Belgium in a roaring arena in Antwerp, you will just have to keep your head. Or maybe for this style you shouldn’t, don’t think (too much), analyse etc. Trust in all your training labour, your automatisms and above all; yourself.