Q4 Clue 737 | World Environment Day
The 50th edition already… This year’s theme is plastic pollution. How can we address it?
Decide, do and then address it that way. It is a global problem, but we can start small. Think about bringing your bag to the shop. And persevere, don’t give up.
Awareness is also still relevant today. Right from your partner or neighbour to the government. The I in us can verbally convey this. Making it discussable, convincing and win-over.
Our ‘do style’. Actively contributing and helping. For example, cleaning up roadside litter and or volunteering or donating to a litter clean-up group.
Why? Globally, more than 400 million tonnes of plastics are produced every year. Half of which is to be used only once, and of that, less than 10% is recycled. Ten million tonnes end up in lakes, rivers and the seas. Eventually, also as microplastics in our food, the water we drink and even the air we breathe.