Q4 Clue 649 | World Tourism Day
There is much more to this official UN day than you might initially think. Interesting to share based on the Q4 Profiles Communication Grid; What, Who, How and Why?
Tourism is one of the most important economic sectors in the world. It employs 1 in 10 people on earth and provides a livelihood for hundreds of millions more. In some countries, it represents more than 20% of GNP.
Women form the majority of the workforce in the tourism sector, and half of all workers are under 25. It also provides opportunities to minorities. Tourism furthermore enables people to experience other cultures and thus also brings us closer together.
The pandemic is having a major effect on tourism right now, but it is expected to recover. In a sustainable way, of course. This is important because tourism also directly benefits biodiversity and nature conservation when flora and fauna generate revenues.
Tourism is a recognised pillar of most – if not all – sustainable development objectives. In particular, the goals of; no poverty, gender equality, decent work and economic growth and reducing inequalities. With this knowledge, you may now travel a little differently.