Q4 Clue 733 | Taking a trip
Summer holidays are approaching, and perhaps a nice trip is in the offing. How do different styles travel?
Control but also an adventure. So does decide (where to go, how, with whom (not), et cetera), but then it’s okay. Doesn’t feel the need to organise and plan everything. Just that kind of risk makes it exciting.
For this style, the most important thing is with whom? Whether that’s just the two of you, with a group tour or people you meet on the destination. The rest comes second as long as it will be enjoyable company.
Predictability is fine. Holidays for this style are mainly about relaxing—no stress, no worries and ideally, no surprises. So everything is organised and planned with an emphasis on everything, from departure to return.
Deciding on a destination can be a challenge. So much choice and so much information. Countless holiday websites and even more travel blogs. Take the plunge and give way to your inner D, I or your laid-back S style!