Q4 Clue 726 | International Happiness Day
Today it will be announced which country is the happiest (the World Happiness Report). From the perspective of the DISC Styles, how do we view ‘happiness’?
Will experience happiness when this style is in control itself. Having the freedom to make your own choices and express yourself the way you want. Above all, not to be restricted in this, no matter what.
Becomes happy by… simply happy people. An environment or, in terms of a country, a society where people are friendly to each other. Where you can be completely yourself then too.
In this style, happiness is linked to security and certainty. So such things as good healthcare, a social security net and a safe living environment carry much weight.
Justice, truthfulness and transparency are essential happiness factors for this style. Openness and access to all the information ( like the truth, the facts, and the figures) to be able to check it properly.