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Q4 Clue 672 | Cryptos

Cryptos. It seems like almost everyone is or should be involved with it these days. How do we look at it in terms of the different styles?


Our D-style is about taking a (tiny) risk or a chance. Cryptos have also become remarkably accessible, and there is always someone close to you who can help. The strategy will probably be; to buy some, and then we’ll see in a while. Or not.


The chances are that their social circle influences this style. The feeling of wanting to participate, of being part of it, comes into play. Especially when ‘everyone is doing it’. Also socially attractive. Speaking together, having fun together, sharing. Both in winning and losing.


Will you wait a little longer? Already so established that you can’t ignore it? But probably mainly for fun then. And preferably together with someone like your partner, a good friend. Join a crypto club, maybe? As long as it doesn’t get too fanatical.


Basically, cryptos are very interesting. Obviously, will think about it carefully, and if it arouses enough interest, it will be taken up with full attention. Obtain knowledge from the right people, choose the best trading platform etc. and trade with a solid strategic plan.


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