Q4Clue 664 Clean Off Your Desk Day
And it’s an international day too. That means many desks. And nowadays, of course, many of them are at home, too. What do the desks actually look like in the different styles?
This style prefers a large desk. So there’s lots of space for everything. But this is also the style that ‘gets rid of things easily.’ Of papers, trinkets, etc. Hup, gone with it. A little bit of dusting left, and that’s it, clean!
This is a style that collects everything and anything over the years. And everything has a personal memory behind it. That isn’t easy to clean up. But the paperwork can undoubtedly be done more efficiently and in a much more structured way.
First of all, a desk has to be homely. A photo here, a plant there. And another, and… Of course, that doesn’t have to mean that the desk isn’t tidy. But regularly (today!) putting some ‘structure’ into it again is very nice.
You might think that the desk of this style is the ultimate in cleanliness and tidiness. But nothing is further from the truth (in many cases). Piles everywhere, right up to the ceiling! But, there is a structure in it, can find everything. So don’t dare ‘to help out’ with tidying 😉.