Q4 Clue 623 | World Backup Day
Wednesday is World Backup Day. We all know it’s the smart thing to do, but… how do we deal with this?
WHAT is a backup?
A backup is a copy of all your important files like your (family) photos and videos, important documents, and emails. Instead of keeping your files in one place (like your computer), you make a copy and store it in a safe place.
WHO but also for whom?
This day is here for you actually to do it this Wednesday, March 31! Just a few more days to purchase possible hardware or to increase your Cloud subscription. Not only for yourself but also for your family and friends. So share this day.
HOW should you backup?
Most people back up to an external hard drive (that can also be a USB stick) or somewhere on the internet. It’s effortless, and you only have to set up a backup once, then it will go automatically.
WHY should you make a backup?
Losing your files happens more often than you think. An accident or mistake is waiting to happen. What if you lose your phone (on average about 113 per minute), your camera or your tablet? Do you lose your files as well then?